Flu Season is Almost Here | Are You Prepared?

Its that time of year again when the clinics and urgent care facilities are crowded with people rushing to receive their flu vaccination for the year. Parents are concerned about their children and their elders because the fall season has been known to have heavy effects on the immune system.

The flu virus is constantly changing and has been known to thrive in cold weather. The virus encases itself into a hard outer shell allowing it to move through the atmosphere better.

With the latest news and technology at our fingertips these days, there’s always the question of; “Should I get the flu shot this year?” Since the flu virus is constantly changing, there’s usually the concern of whether this year’s dose will cover the latest strain.

Who should get the flu shot? Well, the Mayo Clinic has done that research for you. Follow this link to read about whether the flu shot is right for you and how many strains it will cover.

In addition, Om Research is pleased to be conducting a clinical trial in the search of new treatment for the flu virus. Please contact us to see if you are eligible to participate in a clinical trial. 661-388-2239.