Tis the Season for Heart Health

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The holidays are not just a time for exchanging gifts, gatherings by the fireplace, and endless amounts of food on the table, this can also be a very stressful time.  For many, this can lead to extremely busy schedules, including hosting dinners, parties, and buying gifts for loved ones. Unfortunately, all of this short-term chaos can ultimately deteriorate overall health. The happy holiday season can quickly turn into an increased risk for cardiac conditions and untimely visits to the hospital.

In addition, an increased level of sodium intake, alcoholic beverages, and overall binging during the holidays may significantly other conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and more. As we age, plaque or fatty deposits may buildup within the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen. When this becomes dislodged, a clot may form and may result in a blockage within the vessel preventing oxygen to the cardiac muscle. A heart attack or myocardial infarction then occurs when the oxygen deprived cells of the muscle begin to die. Without the oxygen being delivered substantially to the cardiac muscle, the heart will not be able to properly pump blood to the rest of the body. Insufficient amounts of oxygen to different parts of the body correlate to the different symptoms experienced during an attack.

Symptoms may include:

  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in the neck, jaw, or back
  • Arm and shoulder pain or discomfort

During the holiday season it is crucial to not forget about the preservation of one’s overall well-being. It is important to celebrate in moderation by being cautious of what foods to eat. Alongside maintaining a balanced diet, one should also keep their mental health in check by reducing factors that may contribute to added stress during and after the season.



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